Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trib brings some fun to journalism!

In Utah, Jell-O always has a place on the Thanksgiving table right next to the turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. But we don't take molded gelatin too seriously. Which explains why The Tribune received more than 450 haikus in our third annual Jell-O poetry contest. We were most impressed with the number of student entries. Junior high and high school students submitting 212 haikus while elementary age group had nearly 70 entries. We'd like to thank their teachers who obviously made the poem a class assignment. Some haikus were heartfelt. Others were silly. A few were irreverent. Read them all by clicking on the links in the box at right.

The best adult haiku:

How they would bellow
When the kids missed their Jell-O.
Now they're more mellow.

-- Mark Fotheringham

The best secondary:

Utah's favorite treat
Best eaten on a mountain
Best when colored green

-- Caitlin Lundy, Woods Cross High

The best elementary:

Thanksgiving dinner
When we all come together
Please don't have Jell-O

-- Ellie Agnew


Jell-O is the sole
Solid food allowed before
-- Theodore Gurney
When you stick Jell-O
In a microwave on high,
BOOM! Get a paper towel.
-- Micalea Berglund, Ecker Hills Middle School
Moldy Jell-O gross
My brother dared me to eat
Ouch my tummy hurts
-- Hana Gottlieb


Weapon of mass fun
Rockets around the lunchroom:
Jell-O on children.
-- Ira Hatch
Sweet Jell-O salad
Memories of sticky hands
Cool whip covered face
-- Sara Davis, Valley High
Whipped cream welcoming;
Celery, carrots, peas, no!
Leave plain, it's Jell-O.
-- Connor Lloyd


Bare bones bleached and boiled
Skin scraped degreased acid soaked
Scrumptious gelatin
-- Trisha Topham

Green Vodka Jello!
For Mormons who sneak a drink
Don't tell the bishop.
-- Skylar Schulzke

Neighborhood potluck
Turned festival of Jell-Os
As the molds lined up
-- Leslie Brockway

Church potluck Jell-O
Carrots, beets, miracle whip
Sister's germ warfare
-- Janet Beverley

Since Utah is home,
We consume Jell-O daily,
Year in and year out.
-- Cheryl Farr

Jell-O is made of
Horse hooves and synthetic dye.
We feed this to kids.
-- J.C. Smith

Mix bones and sugar
Anti-Vegan evil treat
Diabetics Die
-- Arthur Reilly


Did you ever think
Dictators are like Jell-O
Spineless and crazy
-- Sam Mortensen

Snack pack of my dreams
Where are you when I need you
I guess at the store
-- Quinn Cleveland

If Earth was Jell-O
What such bouncy disarray
Our planet would be
-- Collin Kenny

Jell-O any flavor
Non-edible, weird, slimy
Meat-by-product. Eww
-- Nikki Low

To ease the group's strain
Grandma's taking Jell-O shots
Ahh, Jell-O salad
-- Samantha Paul

Extra lime Jell-O
Get rid of the tofurkey
More Jell-O for me
-- Jackson Burton

Jell-O day is here
My favorite day this year
Always room for more!!
-- Allison Vernon

"Slimy, squishy, fun
Slipping, sliding in my tongue,
Yummy, Jell-O gone!"
-- Stephanie Everson

Seven Calories
Artificial Flavor
In a cardboard box
-- Rachel Davidson

Squishy sticky mess
In my hair and on my clothes
Jello-O fight. Oh. No.
-- Liesl Roberts


Absorbs anything
Try putting anything in
Just pop straight right out
-- Christopher Alex Alexis Lopez

I don't like Jell-O
But I like my mom's it's good
I love her Jell-O!
-- Taedra Benson

Jell-O is crazy
Baby is very brainy
Covered in Jell-O
-- Efren Diaz

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